
Laundry is one of the necessary evils of life. Doing the actual wash is not an issue, it's the folding part that I don't enjoy. But this week's wash was easier than usual since a good portion of it gets put right back in the suitcase for the next trip. Brilliant - no folding and hanging up the clothes!

And guess what I also noticed? My newly modified t-shirt, now all clean and ready to go. Well, it does need to have the one sleeve fixed. Here's a picture showing my AMAZING sewing skills.

Let me know if you want me to help with your sewing needs.

Sian  – (April 1, 2011 at 2:14 AM)  

Thank you for dropping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment yesterday :) You have a cool blog here - the first thing to catch my eye was that great quote at the top. Too true!

StacyC  – (April 1, 2011 at 10:10 PM)  

Thanks Sian!!! I enjoy chasing down quotes.

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My posts are random. They cover a variety of subjects, but are mostly about things I enjoy, am inspired by, or catch my attention at that moment. I don't ever want to offend anyone by anything I write. This blog is a way to express myself and the interests I have. I hope you enjoy what I share.

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