Those Final Details

Two days left and just a few things to do. The best part, I don't have to juggle work and home activities - I'm officially on vacation until the new year! So what is left to do?

  • Wash the dogs (it wouldn't do to have smelly dogs for such an occasion and they want to be beautiful too)
  • Buy the last gift card
  • Put away all the creative stuff I've brought out the past few weeks (which really means, clean my room)
  • Print pictures for K's dog album
  • Clean the house
  • Make salads for Christmas dinner (they have to be made in advance so they can set up)
  • Wrap two three presents
  • Decide on white elephant gifts for Christmas Eve party
  • Make cheese ball for Christmas Eve party
Not too bad a list, at least for me. Some years I've still needed to buy stocking stuffers, wrap several gifts, and do a major cleaning on my bedroom, plus the above items. So I'm feeling pretty good about things. I can get this list done without stressing and enjoy my day at home tomorrow.

The great thing about being at this point is that I can enjoy the season and not feel like I'm running around like mad woman. It's a wonderful feeling - I might have to try this again :)

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My posts are random. They cover a variety of subjects, but are mostly about things I enjoy, am inspired by, or catch my attention at that moment. I don't ever want to offend anyone by anything I write. This blog is a way to express myself and the interests I have. I hope you enjoy what I share.

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