Wonderful, lovely vacation days

Most years when I get to this point in the year I either am scrimping on my vacation time or trying to figure out how to use what I have left. Our company does not allow you to carry over vacation time, which is fine, but I typically end up with about half my days to take in a six week period.

That is the case this year and tomorrow I am taking advantage of this surplus and taking a vacation day. There is something so wonderful about knowing that I don't have to set my alarm for the morning or think about what to wear to work or dream of the weekend, because the weekend is here!!

I am grateful for my wonderful job and so thankful for the vacation time I am allotted, but even more grateful to be taking one of those lovely vacation days tomorrow. Oh the joy of it all.

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My posts are random. They cover a variety of subjects, but are mostly about things I enjoy, am inspired by, or catch my attention at that moment. I don't ever want to offend anyone by anything I write. This blog is a way to express myself and the interests I have. I hope you enjoy what I share.

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