Recovery, slow but steady
A little background about how this title came to be.
I had a bone spur in my left heel and after months of cortisone injections and limited relief surgery was the next step. As I waited out the summer/fall travel season I was scheduled for surgery the end of October. During the summer I also hurt the muscle/tendon in that same heel and re-injured it multiple times.
Day of surgery, showed the doctor a couple of bumps I had on my heel as well that were not from the bone spur. Two hours later he reported that the one hour bone spur surgery turned into an additional hour to repair a partially ruptured achilles tendon. The good news, it wasn't a total rupture. The bad news, no weight placed on that foot for several weeks.
I'm in a boot now and working to stretch the muscle/tendon so that I can place my foot flat on the floor, but until then, I'm slowly working to get it flatter in the boot. Today, I only have one lift in my boot and I can put limited weight on it while standing. Say hallelujah!!
I know that it will still be several weeks before I'm out of the boot and fully healed, but this small step towards recovery has me very thankful. Life is good!