Thankful for the Glow of Christmas Lights

I know that I really shouldn't have them on yet, but I love them so - Christmas lights! I love sitting in the family room with just the Christmas lights on. They cast a beautiful soft glow on everything in the room. It's peaceful and beautiful and it makes me happy. If I had my way, we'd have them up until spring, but I guess this way they keep their special factor. So today, I'm thankful for a room full of Christmas lights. Ah, life is good!

Lights and garland on the railing

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My posts are random. They cover a variety of subjects, but are mostly about things I enjoy, am inspired by, or catch my attention at that moment. I don't ever want to offend anyone by anything I write. This blog is a way to express myself and the interests I have. I hope you enjoy what I share.

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