Weeding memories

Today, not only did we plant flowers and weed our yard, but also we headed over to J's sister's house to help out. My assignment - removing a flowering weed that J called "the dearth" since it managed to spread everywhere. J handed me a tool that I have no idea what it is called, but it looks like a screwdriver with a notch in the end. You place it in the ground near the base of the plant and pop it out. Sometimes you have to move it around to different sides to get it loosened, but it is amazing how easily it plies those weeds from the ground.

As I worked, I remembered back to the first time I had seen this tool. It was several years ago and we were at J's mom's house in American Falls, ID. We had been helping around the yard, as was typical when we visited in the spring and summer. After weeding and gardening and cleaning out the sheds, J's mom said she wanted the dandelions gone from the front lawn. In my mind, I was thinking "why" since growing up those were plants we just ignored in our yard. But hey, I was game. I figured we'd spray them like we had other weeds. Imagine my surprise when I was told that they would be removed from the lawn, not sprayed.

You see, spraying could kill the grass around it and there's no guarantee the dandelion won't grow back. But if you remove it, well, it's gone so growth is not an option. J's mom handed me the tool and showed me the technique and sent me on my way. It's a very effective way to rid your grass of dandelions, but more importantly, every time I see that funny little tool, I think of J's mom.

She was an amazing woman who worked circles around everyone. She loved having us visit and made meals that you'd never forget - the homemade kind that filled you with love and comfort.

I'm grateful to have been a part of her life and for the things I've learned from J's mom - she loved me and readily included me and K in her family. I will always think of her when I see the dandelion tool and remember the day I learned how to rid a lawn of yellow, flowering weeds.

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