
I've hit the point in my summer when I realize that the summer is almost over and I haven't begun to do the things I had thought we'd do. But then I step back and realize I could say that about the year too.

So the question in my brain is, what gets some people doing while others (like myself) watch and dream? I realize part of the problem is the time on spend on my beloved computer perusing the creations of others, but honestly, when I get home at night, that's about the level of energy I have.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my job, but I also find that without an excuse (and yes I think I've said this before) I don't often create. So I find myself searching and volunteering for things that force me to create. Not the best way, but it's reality.

So tonight I spent most of the evening checking out blogs, following links to other blogs, and posting to Pinterest with the hopes that some day I'll go back to those pins and make the lovely things I've discovered on the world wide web! And if not, at least when someone asks for an idea, I have a few Pinterest boards worth.

Happy creating or dreaming, whatever the case may be.

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My posts are random. They cover a variety of subjects, but are mostly about things I enjoy, am inspired by, or catch my attention at that moment. I don't ever want to offend anyone by anything I write. This blog is a way to express myself and the interests I have. I hope you enjoy what I share.

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