Copic Coloring for Card Makers class

Who would have thought that taking an online class would get me to blog again? It's a Christmas miracle :)

Each day we have practice sheets to work on after watching videos with coloring tips. I've decided to give myself a break each day at work (during lunch) to color. Today was the first day and I had so much fun! But I also discovered that the paper I printed my practice sheets on are not great quality. The ink didn't blend well and it bled outside the lines (although there are some that I purposely colored outside the lines on).

So, I'm on the hunt for the paper I should have bought in the first place. Unfortunately, my procrastinating caught up with me this time and that's why I used the paper I had on hand. Lesson learned!

Here's my practice sheet from Day 1 - not everything is colored because I got frustrated with the paper, but what I did color has me excited to dive in again!

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My posts are random. They cover a variety of subjects, but are mostly about things I enjoy, am inspired by, or catch my attention at that moment. I don't ever want to offend anyone by anything I write. This blog is a way to express myself and the interests I have. I hope you enjoy what I share.

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